Tag: LongROAD Project Briefs

A frustrated old woman driving a car

Vulnerable Road Users

Older Drivers and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

This research brief describes the efforts to address questions on driver perception of and learning methods for advanced driver assistance systems using data from AAA Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers (AAA LongROAD) studies.

December 2020 Research Brief

Older couple driving together in car

Vulnerable Road Users

Predictors of Rapid Deceleration Events among Older Drivers: AAA LongROAD Study

This brief examines the relationship between hard braking events (known as rapid deceleration events (RDEs)) and safety-related outcome measures such as near crashes and declining functional abilities.

February 2020 Research Brief

Vulnerable Road Users

Perceived Social Support Differences between Male and Female Older Adults who have Reduced Driving: AAA LongROAD Study

The research in this brief examines perceived social support among older drivers who have recently reduced their driving.

February 2020 Research Brief

Vulnerable Road Users

The Role of Driving Comfort in Self-Regulation among a Large Cohort of Older Drivers: AAA LongROAD Study

This research brief examines the direct effects of driving comfort on self-regulation and the role of driving comfort combined with age, sex, and perceived abilities in predicting four of the most common self-regulatory driving situations.

November 2019 Research Brief

vehicle keys

Vulnerable Road Users

The Potential Impact of Driving Cessation for Rural and Urban Older Adults: AAA LongROAD Study

This research brief examines whether there are urban-rural differences in how older adults rate the potential impact that driving cessation would have on their lives.

July 2019 Research Brief