Tag: LongROAD Project Briefs

The Association of Frailty with Driving Habits Among Older Adults: AAA LongROAD Study
This research brief examines the association of frailty status with driving habits. If frailty is associated with driving habit outcomes, interventions targeted at preventing or reducing the symptoms of frailty may lead to improved mobility among older adults.
May 2019 Research Brief

Relationship Between Driving Habits and Health-Related Quality of Life: AAA LongROAD Study
This research brief examines driving habits and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in an older population. The health-related quality of life is important in understanding the mental, social and physical well-being of individuals.
April 2019 Research Brief

Demographic Differences in Use of Alternate Transportation Among Older Drivers: AAA LongROAD Study
This research brief examines the types and number of alternate sources of transportation used by healthy, older drivers.
April 2019 Research Brief

Patterns of Self-Reported Driving While Intoxicated Among Older Adults: AAA LongROAD Study
This research brief examines the prevalence of self-reported alcohol use and alcohol use while driving as well as sociodemographic, health and behavioral factors associated with alcohol use while driving.
April 2019 Research Brief

Objectively Derived and Self-Reported Measures of Driving Exposure and Patterns Among Older Adults: AAA LongROAD Study
This research brief examines self-reported and objectively derived measures of driving in an older population.
January 2019 Research Brief