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Alicia Romo
Dr. Alicia Romo joined the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in January 2022. Prior joining the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Alicia worked as a traffic engineer and transportation planner at Mead & Hunt, a top ENR 100 design firm. Previously, Dr. Romo worked for Battelle and was a National Academies of Science post-doc fellow at the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation. Dr. Romo received her Bachelor of Science and doctorate degrees in civil engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso.
Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems 2021 Update
2022 // Transportation Research Board
Dilemma Zone Driving Decisions: Results from a Driving Simulator Study
2015 // Proceedings of the 2015 Road Safety and Simulation International Conference
The Science and Art of Putting the Drivers under the Microscope
2015 // Public Roads
Identifying Precrash Factors for Cars and Trucks on Interstate Highways: Mixed Logit Model Approach
2014 // Journal of Transportation Engineering
Utilizing Various Data Sources for Surface Transportation Human Factors Research
2014 // FHWA-HRT-14-077
Analysis of Vehicle-Following Heterogeneity Using Self-Organizing Feature Maps
2014 // Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Obtaining Transportation Data through Social Media: Survey on Driver Behavior in Freeway Work Zones
2013 // Proceedings of the 2013 International Road Federation World Meeting