The Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers (LongROAD) Study

In 2015, there were 40 million licensed older drivers 65 years or older composing 18% of the total licensed driver population in the United States. By 2021, these number rose to 50.5 million licensed older drivers 65 years older (21% of the licensed U.S. driver population). The population of older drivers is growing faster than any other age group. Although driving allows older adults to meet their mobility needs and to stay independent, a number of age-related functional impairments (e.g., cognitive and physical abilities) can compromise driving abilities.
- Prospective cohort design with assessments at baseline and then annually for up to five years between 2015 and 2022
- Observational data on health, environment, vehicle technology, and everyday driving behavior
- 2,990 active drivers ages 65 to 79 were recruited across five study sites
To understand and meet the safe mobility needs of older adult drivers, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAAFTS) launched the Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers study (LongROAD) with the following goals:
1. Better understand the major protective and risk factors of safe driving in older adults,
2. Investigate the mechanisms through which older adults self-regulate their driving behaviors to cope with functional declines related to aging,
3. Determine the extent, use and effects of new vehicle technology and aftermarket vehicle adaptations among older drivers,
4. Identify the determinants and health consequences of driving cessation during the process of aging.

Study Sites of the LongROAD Project
How to Request LongROAD Data
External Data Requestors familiarize themselves with the LongROAD Study and the process for obtaining data by reviewing the LongROAD External Data Sharing Guidelines, the LongROAD Data User Guide, and LongROAD Research Briefs on this website.
External Data Requestor identifies a Study Site or Columbia University to collaborate with. AAAFTS can assist in this step.
The established Study Site or Columbia University collaborator and external requestor complete and submit a LongROAD External Study Proposal Form to AAAFTS.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety determines whether the study may proceed.
LongROAD collaborator and external requestor execute a Data User Agreement and/or obtain IRB approval.
More Information
Other Resources
For questions or inquiries regarding the LongROAD Study, please contact us at