Tag: license

Close up of traffic jam

Vulnerable Road Users

The Effect of Extending Graduated Driver Licensing to Older Novice Drivers in Indiana

In 2015, Indiana extended its Graduated Driver Licensing system, previously only applicable to new drivers younger than 18, to all new drivers under age 21. This study examines the crash rates of new Indiana drivers first licensed at ages 18-20 before and after that change.

October 2019 Technical Report | Report Summary

Instructor teaching driver lessons

Vulnerable Road Users

Orientation Sessions for Parents of Young Novice Drivers: An Assessment of U.S. Programs and Recommendations

Based on a review of existing programs and the available scientific literature, this project provides recommendations to enhance parent orientation sessions that are part of the teen driver training and licensing process.

May 2018 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Vulnerable Road Users

Young Driver Licensing in New Jersey: Rates and Trends, 2006-2011

This study examines rates of licensure among teenagers and young adults in the state of New Jersey overall and in relation to demographic characteristics.

July 2014 Technical Report

Vulnerable Road Users

Vulnerable Road Users

North American License Policies Workshop Recommendations

This report presents consensus-based recommendations for driver licensing and license-renewal policies for older drivers developed at a workshop of experts convened by the AAA Foundation.

June 2008 Technical Report