2025 Safe Mobility Conference: Submissions

Contribute to the 2025 Safe Mobility Conference and share your work by submitting an abstract, a proposal for a technical session, workshop, or a student poster. 

Before preparing your submission, please familiarize yourself with the conference topics to ensure that your submission aligns with the conference’s focus areas.

Abstract Submissions

(Presentation & Publication in Future Conference Proceedings)

Presenting at the 2025 Safe Mobility Conference is an excellent way to share your work and connect with fellow professionals.


Guidelines for Preparing an Abstract

  • Each abstract should be no more than 800 words. The word count excludes text from the presenter’s contact information. 
  • Abstracts should be submitted on single-spaced pages with 1-inch margins and 12-point font. 
  • Technical sessions from accepted abstracts will be on April 8 and 9, 2025. 
  • Abstract should clearly outline the purpose, methodology, results, and implications of your work. Key items to include:  
    1. Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title. 
    2. Objectives: Clearly state the goals and introduce the context and significance of your work.
    3. Methods: Describe the approach you used to conduct your work.
    4. Results: Summarize key findings or outcomes of your work.
    5. Conclusion: Highlight the implications of your findings and their relevance to this conference.
    6. Conference Topic: Indicate 1-3 conference topic(s) relevant to your abstract.


Important Dates


Abstract submission opens (via Whova platform) 

Date Forthcoming

Abstract submission closes (via Whova platform) 

Date Forthcoming

Notification of acceptance/rejection decisions 

Date Forthcoming

For accepted abstracts, send the following documents: 

  1. Presentation file
  2. Bio of the presenter 

Date Forthcoming

Proposals for Technical Sessions with Invited Speakers

Guidelines for Preparing a Proposal

  • Technical sessions with invited speakers will be on April 8 and 9, 2025. 
  • Each technical session will be 60 minutes. 
  • Each proposal should include the following items: 
    1. Title: Provide a descriptive session title. 
    2. Session Description: Provide one to two paragraphs to describe the proposed session and how it aligns with the theme and topics of the 2025 Safe Mobility Conference.
    3. Potential Session Speakers: Provide names of potential speakers. The session organizer is responsible for inviting and confirming speakers.
    4. Format: Describe how the session will be delivered (e.g., panel discussions, individual podium presentations).
    5. Session Organizer’s Information: Include name, affiliation, and contact information of the organizer.  


Important Dates

Proposals for Technical Sessions with Invited Speakers

Proposal submission opens (via Whova platform)

Date Forthcoming

Proposal submission closes (via Whova platform)

Date Forthcoming

Notification of the acceptance/rejection decision

Date Forthcoming

For accepted proposals, send the following documents: 

  1. Overview of session “script” 
  2. Presentation files (if applicable)
  3. Bios of invited speakers 

Date Forthcoming

Proposals for Workshops

Guidelines for Preparing a Proposal

  • Workshops will be held in the afternoon of April 7, 2025. 
  • Each workshop will be 3 hours in length with a maximum of 20 participants.  
  • Each workshop proposal should include the following items: 
    1. Title: Provide a descriptive workshop title.
    2. Workshop Description: Provide one to two paragraphs to describe the proposed workshop and how it aligns with the theme and topics of the 2025 Safe Mobility Conference. Outline learning goals, main activities, etc. 
    3. Potential Worshop Speakers: Provide names of potential speakers. The workshop organizer is responsible for inviting and confirming speakers. 
    4. Format: Describe how the workshop will be conducted to ensure it is interactive and engaging for participants. 
    5. Workshop Organizer’s Information: Include name, affiliation, and contact information of the organizer.  


Important Dates

Proposals for Workshops

Workshop proposal submission opens (via Whova platform)

Date Forthcoming

Workshop proposals submission closes (via Whova platform)

Date Forthcoming

Notification of the acceptance/rejection decision 

Date Forthcoming

For accepted workshop proposals, send the following documents: 

  1. Overview of workshop “script” 
  2. Presentation files 
  3. Bios of invited workshop speakers 

Date Forthcoming

Poster Submissions

Graduate students are invited to submit an abstract for a poster presentation at the 2025 Safe Mobility Conference. This is a great opportunity for students to showcase their research, engage with experts in the field and contribute to the research community. 

Guidelines for Preparing a Poster

  • Abstracts for student posters should be no more than 500 words.  
  • Abstract, for poster, should be submitted on single-spaced pages with 1-inch margins and 12-point font.  
  • Poster sessions will be on April 8 and 9, 2025. 
  • Abstract for a poster presentation should include the following items: 
    1. Poster Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title. 
    2. Objectives: Clearly state the goals and significance of your research. 
    3. Methods: Describe the approach you are using/plan to use for your research. 
    4. Expected Results: Describe expected results and implications from your research. 
    5. School and Degree Program: Provide your university’s name and the degree program you are enrolled in.  
    6. Conference Topic: Indicate 1-3 conference topic(s) relevant to your presentation. 


Important Dates


Abstract submission, for poster, opens (via Whova platform) 

Date Forthcoming

Abstract submission, for poster, closes (via Whova platform) 

Date Forthcoming

Notification of the acceptance/rejection decision 

Date Forthcoming

For accepted abstracts, for poster, send the following documents:  

  1. Poster in a PDF format
  2. Bio of the poster presenter 

Date Forthcoming