Search Results for young or inexperienced drivers

Older Novice Driver Crashes in New Jersey: Informing the Need for Extending Graduated Driver Licensing Restrictions
...age 18, most U.S. states only apply their GDL systems to drivers younger than 18. (New Jersey applies its full GDL system to all new drivers younger than 21.) Previous...
July 2017 Technical Report | Report Summary

Rates of Motor Vehicle Crashes, Injuries and Deaths in Relation to Driver Age, United States, 2014-2015
...drivers ages 30-59, and drivers age 80 and older had crash rate higher than those of drivers ages 30-79 but lower than those of drivers younger than age 30. Rates...
June 2017 Research Brief

Orientation Sessions for Parents of Young Novice Drivers: An Assessment of U.S. Programs and Recommendations
...however, the limits imposed by parents often lack strictness, focus on less important safety concerns and are not sustained. Given the current shortcomings in parents’ supervision and management of young...
May 2018 Technical Report | Report Summary

Distracted Driving Among Newly Licensed Teen Drivers other distracted behaviors Drivers using an electronic device looked away from the roadway, on average, for a full second longer than drivers not using such a device Overall, drivers...
March 2012 Technical Report | Report Summary

Acute Sleep Deprivation and Risk of Motor Vehicle Crash Involvement
...these drivers provide a sample of the sleep of all drivers on the road, and Differences in the amounts of sleep of drivers who contributed to crashes vs. non-contributing drivers...
December 2016 Technical Report | Report Summary

Measuring Changes in Teenage Driver Crash Characteristics During the Early Months of Driving
...mph). Crashes occurring when the young driver was making a left turn or entering a roadway from a parking lot or driveway, as well as those in which the young...
September 2011 Technical Report

Use, Learning and Perceptions of In-Vehicle Technologies, and Vehicle Adaptations among Older Drivers: A LongROAD Study
...Seat belt extensions assist drivers, especially older drivers with limited mobility to fasten their seatbelt. Steering wheel modification Steering wheel modifications address a variety of issues facing older drivers. Some...
October 2017 Research Brief

2014 Traffic Safety Culture Index three drivers have a friend or relative seriously injured or killed in a crash Severity of Traffic Safety Concerns: Three in five drivers (61.3%) say aggressive drivers are a...
January 2015 Technical Report | Report Summary