Impact of Speeds on Drivers and Vehicles – Results from Crash Tests
This study examines how vehicle crashworthiness and occupant protection degrade as impact speeds increase. The results and implications in this report provide valuable information for those who advocate for safety considerations when setting maximum posted speed limits.
January 2021 Technical Report | Report Summary

Review of Current Practices for Setting Posted Speed Limits
The aim of this study is to investigate the current practice of how speed limits are set across the country and to understand how the process impacts the traffic environment and drivers’ behaviors.
April 2019 Research Brief

Safety Benefits of Highway Infrastructure Investments
This study estimates the reduction in serious injuries and deaths that could potentially be achieved through investment in proven cost-effective highway infrastructure safety measures, and the level of investment required to achieve those benefits.
May 2017 Technical Report | Report Summary

USRAP Pilot Program Phase III
This report details US Road Assessment Program pilot studies performed in Illinois, Kentucky, New Mexico, and Utah, and also presents the results of a validation study of the usRAP star rating protocol using data from Iowa and Washington.
May 2010 Technical Report

USRAP Pilot Program Phase II
Development of specialized risk maps that address safety issues of interest to the participating states, such as unbelted occupant, speed-related, alcohol-involved, roadway- and lane-departure, commercial-vehicle-involved, older driver, and young driver crashes.
January 2008 Technical Report