Tag: dui

Woman taking pills in car

Driver Behavior & Performance

Leveraging and Enhancing Alcohol Countermeasures to Reduce Drugged Driving

Two research briefs describe a project that solicited input from subject matter experts across the U.S. regarding the potential for alcohol-impaired driving countermeasures to be adapted as drugged or drug-impaired driving countermeasures.

September 2018 // Enforcement/Legal Brief // Behavioral/Educational Brief

Driver Behavior & Performance

Driver Behavior & Performance

Short-term License Suspensions for Drinking Drivers

This report assesses the impact of a law enacted in Saskatchewan, Canada, that allows police to suspend the license of a driver for a period of 24 hours if the driver has a blood alcohol concentration higher than .04 g/dL, even if the driver has not consumed enough alcohol to be

March 2007 Technical Report | Report Summary