The Prevalence and Impact of Drowsy Driving
This study presents new estimates of the prevalence of drowsy drivers on U.S. roads using data from a nationally-representative survey of drivers, and examines the role of drowsy driving in a nationally-representative sample of crashes subject to in-depth investigations.
November 2010 Technical Report | Report Summary

2010 Traffic Safety Culture Index
This report presents the results of the AAA Foundation’s third annual Traffic Safety Culture Index, conducted from May 11 through June 7, 2010, a survey conducted with a nationally-representative sample of 2,000 U.S. residents 16 years of age and older.
October 2010 Technical Report

Proceedings of the National Rural Summit on Traffic Safety Culture 2009
Description of national conference on rural traffic safety culture, co-sponsored by the Western Transportation Institute, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Montana Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
November 2009 Technical Report

2009 Traffic Safety Culture Index
This annual survey provides statistics on driving behaviors and attitudes about traffic safety among U.S. drivers.
July 2009 Technical Report | Report Summary

2008 Traffic Safety Culture Index
This annual survey provides statistics on driving behaviors and attitudes about traffic safety among U.S. drivers.
April 2008 Technical Report

Improving Traffic Safety Culture in the United States
A collection of research articles written by experts in diverse fields including transportation, public health, public policy, psychology, and more, addressing what needs to be done to sustain serious national dialogue about traffic safety.
April 2007 Technical Report | Report Summary

Short-term License Suspensions for Drinking Drivers
This report assesses the impact of a law enacted in Saskatchewan, Canada, that allows police to suspend the license of a driver for a period of 24 hours if the driver has a blood alcohol concentration higher than .04 g/dL, even if the driver has not consumed enough alcohol to be
March 2007 Technical Report | Report Summary