Search Results for drowsy driving

Driver Behavior & Performance

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Marijuana: Beliefs and Behaviors, United States, 2013-2015

...and using marijuana driving under the influence of alcohol and/or marijuana related beliefs and perceptions, and support for countermeasures designed to address alcohol- and marijuana-involved driving Example question: “In the...

May 2016 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Select Physical Performance Measures and Driving Outcomes in Older Adults: A LongROAD Study

Background Driving exposure (meaning driving distance and trips taken), driving cessation, crashes, citations, and poor driving ability are all factors that can have significant implications for safety and health among...

March 2016 Technical Report | Report Summary

Driver Behavior & Performance

American Driving Survey Year One May 2013 – May 2014

...Trip Estimates Drivers, on average, made two driving trips per day, which took an average of 46 minutes. Drivers reported driving an average of: 29.2 miles per day Or 10,658...

April 2015 Technical Report | Report Summary

Driver Behavior & Performance

Driver Behavior & Performance

2009 Traffic Safety Culture Index

...reasons that respondents mentioned for feeling less safe driving today than five years ago included aggressive driving and/or road rage (20%) and speeding (15%). When asked about their driving behavior...

July 2009 Technical Report | Report Summary

Driver Behavior & Performance

Driver Behavior & Performance

Short-term License Suspensions for Drinking Drivers

...of the law, three of every four of those who had not been convicted previously of impaired driving remained free of drinking-driving offences during the 5+ year follow-up period. This...

March 2007 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Vulnerable Road Users

Distracted Driving Among Newly Licensed Teen Drivers

...and driving conditions shift during the transition to unsupervised driving The current study re-analyzed clips from the first six months of unsupervised driving to determine the nature and prevalence of...

March 2012 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Frailty, Physical Function and Driving Status in Older Adults: LongROAD Analysis of the National Health and Aging Trends Study

...driving in the past year were classified as non-drivers. Variables that were previously associated with driving cessation among older adults were included as additional variables in the frailty phenotype and...

August 2017 Research Brief

Driver Behavior & Performance

Properly and Effectively Adjudicating Drugged Drivers: The Development of Online Curricula

Introduction As law enforcement and prosecutors increasingly bring drugged driving cases to court, judges need to understand the current status of research in this field and to increase public safety...

June 2018 Research Brief

Vulnerable Road Users

Vulnerable Road Users

The Transition to Unsupervised Driving

...this period. Recent Teen Driving Studies: Measuring Changes in Teenage Driver Crash Characteristics During the Early Months of Driving Examined crashes during the first three years of licensed driving for...

September 2011 Technical Report