Search Results for distracted driving

Vulnerable Road Users

Accelerating Teen Driver Learning: Anywhere, Anytime Training

...approximate duration of 70 minutes. All participants were evaluated on the driving simulator with an eye tracker. The 21 total driving simulator scenarios were identical to those in the ACCEL...

June 2017 Technical Report | Report Summary

Driver Behavior & Performance

2015 Traffic Safety Culture Index

...majority of drivers (57.3%) view people driving after using illegal drugs as a very serious threat, while much fewer (31.8%) say the same about people driving after using prescription drugs...

February 2016 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Vulnerable Road Users

Medical Fitness to Drive and a Voluntary State Reporting Law safely, for medical and driving reevaluation and possible license restriction, suspension, or revocation. The reporter’s identity is maintained as confidential. The law provides civil immunity protection from prosecution for...

October 2008 Technical Report | Report Summary

Driver Behavior & Performance

Acute Sleep Deprivation and Risk of Motor Vehicle Crash Involvement

...relationship between specific amounts of sleep deprivation and crash risk amongst the general driving population Overview This study is the first to quantify the relationship between specific measures of recent...

December 2016 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Vulnerable Road Users

Enhancement of Driving Performance Among Older Drivers

...however, not enough is known about whether or how years of safe driving can be extended. The Current Study Purpose To determine whether or not an education program comprising both...

October 2007 Technical Report | Report Summary

Vulnerable Road Users

Using Naturalistic Driving Data to Assess the Prevalence of Environmental Factors and Driver Behaviors in Teen Driver Crashes

...rear-end, and angle (front-to-side). Key Findings The driver was found to have been driving too fast for conditions in 79% of single-vehicle crashes; following too closely in 36% of rear-end...

March 2015 Technical Report | Report Summary


The Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers (LongROAD) Study

...driving allows older adults to meet their mobility needs and to stay independent, a number of age-related functional impairments (e.g., cognitive and physical abilities) can compromise driving abilities. Prospective cohort...

Vulnerable Road Users

Demographic Differences in Use of Alternate Transportation Among Older Drivers: AAA LongROAD Study

...environmental, technological and vehicular factors influencing driving safety in older adults. Examining the use of alternate sources of transportation beyond driving is also a focus. Participants were ages 65-79 years...

April 2019 Research Brief