
A Safe System Guide for Transportation: Sharing this Approach to Lead Your Community to Action

Roadway Systems & Drivers

A Safe System Guide for Transportation: Sharing this Approach to Lead Your Community to Action

This document presents recommendations for framing Safe System interventions to facilitate public acceptance and support.

November 2023 Technical Report | Report Summary

Increasing Equity in Traffic Safety: Case Studies in Ohio, Texas, and Washington

Ongoing Research

Increasing Equity in Traffic Safety: Case Studies in Ohio, Texas, and Washington

Project Synopsis

Factors Influencing Drivers’ Compliance with “Slow Down, Move Over” Laws

Ongoing Research

Factors Influencing Drivers’ Compliance with “Slow Down, Move Over” Laws

Project Synopsis

Physical Function and Frailty Are Associated with Self-Regulation of Driving among Older Adults: A LongROAD Study

Vulnerable Road Users

Physical Function and Frailty Are Associated with Self-Regulation of Driving among Older Adults: A LongROAD Study

This study examined physical function and frailty, and their association with strategic driving self-regulation, using data from the AAA Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers study.

October 2023 Research Brief

Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

Ongoing Research

Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

Project Synopsis

Mapping Comprehension of ADAS across Different Road Users

Emerging Technologies

Mapping Comprehension of ADAS across Different Road Users

This survey study examined how level of knowledge of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) varied by driver type, experience, perceptions regarding vehicle technology, attitudes and preferences towards education, and confidence, among others.

October 2023 Technical Report | Report Summary

A Multi-Method Approach to Understanding Drivers’ Experiences and Behavior Under Partial Vehicle Automation

Emerging Technologies

A Multi-Method Approach to Understanding Drivers’ Experiences and Behavior Under Partial Vehicle Automation

This study used three different approaches—experimental, naturalistic, and survey—to investigate how drivers interact with and adapt to vehicle automation systems in real-world scenarios over an extended period of time.

September 2023 Technical Report | Report Summary

Measuring and Predicting Drivers’ Takeover Readiness and Supporting Takeover Transitions in Automated Driving

Emerging Technologies

Measuring and Predicting Drivers’ Takeover Readiness and Supporting Takeover Transitions in Automated Driving

This report highlights two studies aimed at facilitating takeover transitions in Level 3 automation, including an examination of factors predictive of driver takeover readiness as well as a gaze guidance system that supports attention during control takeovers.

September 2023 Technical Report | Report Summary

American Driving Survey: 2022

Driver Behavior & Performance

American Driving Survey: 2022

This research brief presents statistics on the amount of driving done by the American public in 2022 based on data from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s annual American Driving Survey.

September 2023 Research Brief

Examining the Safety Benefits of Partial Vehicle Automation Technologies  in an Uncertain Future

Emerging Technologies

Examining the Safety Benefits of Partial Vehicle Automation Technologies in an Uncertain Future

Advanced driver assistance systems will prevent crashes and save lives. However, many factors will influence the size of the benefits and how quickly they accrue. This report estimates how many crashes, injuries, and deaths these systems will prevent over the next 30 years.

August 2023 Technical Report | Report Summary